Internet Governance Forum (IGF)
The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is a multi-stakeholder platform established by the United Nations to facilitate discussions on public policy issues related to the Internet. The UN IGF serves to bring people together from various stakeholder groups, including governments, private sector, civil society, and the technical community, to discuss and shape the future of the Internet in an open, inclusive, and transparent manner. The annual IGFs are convened by the UN Secretary-General and supported by a different host country each year.
IGF Sri Lanka
The Internet Governance Forum Sri Lanka (IGF Sri Lanka) is a national-level initiative, initiated in 2016 that mirrors the global Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in its mission to provide a platform for dialogue on Internet governance issues. It aims to address specific challenges and opportunities related to the Internet within the context of Sri Lanka. IGF Sri Lanka provides a platform for open and inclusive dialogue on Internet governance issues relevant to Sri Lanka and it plays a crucial role in shaping the national discourse on Internet governance, ensuring that the development and use of the Internet within the country are inclusive, transparent, and beneficial for all.
IGF Sri Lanka 2024
The Lanka School on Internet Governance (LKSIG) is a premier body recognized by the Internet Governance Forum (UN) and is now in the process of hosting the Internet Governance Forum Sri Lanka (IGF Sri Lanka) 2024 in Sri Lanka as a local event. The session is scheduled to be held in November 2024 in Colombo as a two-day event.
The Internet Governance Forum Sri Lanka (IGF Sri Lanka) 2024 is a forum where policymakers, civil society, industry, the technical community, the academic community, and decision-makers discuss key aspects of Internet governance issues and key areas on an equal footing and through an open and inclusive process. IGF Sri Lanka serves as a multi-stakeholder platform for discussions, exchange, and collaboration at a regional level, and aggregate national-level discussions pertaining to the Internet, and related policies, ultimately advancing the Internet, technology, and Internet governance development in Sri Lanka.
”Empowering Internet through Multistakeholderism”
Don't miss this unique opportunity!
Join the discussion of the future of Internet innovations in Sri Lanka
The Most Awaiting
of the Year
The first IGF Sri Lanka was held years ago, and this time we are going big.
- 2 Days
- 5 Tracks
- 10 Panel Discussions
- 40 Expert Panelists
Join to Women IGF Sri Lanka
Metting Id : 949 5185 3490 Passcode : 866294
UN IGF Coordinators for Sri Lanka
Kasun Tharaka Wickramasuriya
Kasun Tharaka Wickramasuriya is a Senior Manager of Capacity Building for the Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka (ICTA), and Co-Founder of the Lanka School on Internet Governance (LKSIG), which is the local representative of the Asia Pacific School on Internet Governance (APSIG) and was established to build capacity on Internet Governance among the Sri Lankan and Asia Pacific IG practitioners.

Sagarika Wickramasekera
Sagarika Wickramasekera is a member of the Internet Society Board of Trustees. She is currently serving as secretary of APSIG (Asia Pacific School of Internet Governance) and she is an Executive Committee member of APNG (Asia Pacific Next Generation Group).
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